Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Art As Therapy

We've been talking a lot about happiness, perspective, one's purpose in life, etc. in our household. Big questions brought on by some challenging times. This morning we read something about happiness and the "tipster" doctor in the article said how one of the keys to happiness is to find something that you can get completely lost in. I'm not entirely sure why, but that's how I feel about collage at the moment. The sorting through bits of paper and ephemera, the tiny snips with scissors, the positioning of random papers together into something that makes a pleasing whole. It's a meditation of sorts and it seems to be leading me at the moment.

This video by Alain de Botton (he of The School of Life; how cool is that?) was very inspiring and timely. It's well worth a watch and when you're done, hop on over to Brain Pickings for more on de Botton's book, Art as Therapy.

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